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A law firm whose lawyers have deep roots and a long history in the Texas legal community. The attorneys establishing the firm previously practiced at Davis Fuller Jackson & Keene and, before that, at Davis & Davis which was founded in 1961. The Firm’s attorneys are well known in the healthcare and legal circles for exacting standards, attentiveness to clients large and small, aggressive and cost-efficient representation and legal sophistication more common in the nation’s largest metropolitan areas. Though the firm’s name has changed over the years, the highest standards and superior client service for which these attorneys are known remains the same. The firm delivers a full range of legal services to clients across the state and nationally, and looks forward to providing our advice and counsel to your needs.


Mark, thank you again for a job extremely well done, and for being a friend.

Hon. Ramon GarciaHidalgo County Judge

Mr. Keene, thank you for the countless hours you invested in my defense. I appreciate your committment to me and my family’s interests. You are a compliment to your profession.

Sid IrelandRN

I have always been impressed and grateful for the extraordinary advice and legal counsel the law firm has provided our organization.

Thalia MunozCEO, Starr County Memorial Hospital

Connally Memorial Medical Center, Floresville, Texas

Confidence that you will provide the best defense, and peace of mind, are things I know I get from using the firm.

Fran L. Chilek, R.N.CEO, Connally Memorial Medical Center
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